Running your own marketing with little success?

Let the experts run it for profit!

CrowdTap engineers dynamite marketing strategies that will perfect your brand and bring your business the attention it deserves.
Launch Campaign


Web Site

Our team will design and implement an appealing and complete website that will make your customers say “wow”!  We will work with you every step of the way to ensure your website is everything you imagined and more.

The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Jessica Parker,  CEO at Startup inc.
Set Up a Website


Creating a complete crowdfunding campaign is our speciality.  We will take you step by step through the process to make sure you won’t miss a beat.  Our experience in crowdfunding has given us the knowledge to understand how to drive the right people to your campaign and convert on them once they’re there!

The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Jessica Parker,  CEO at Startup inc.
Raise Funds


Want to get the attention of the people most likely to become customers?  Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Ads put your company right in front of the consumers eyes. Imagine customers come at your doorsteps on demand.

The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Jessica Parker,  CEO at Startup inc.
Launch ADS Campaign

Social Media MARKETING

Social media marketing has become one of the most effective ways to create an audience.  CrowdTap will build a social media strategy, increase your following and help deliver spectacular, on-brand content directly to your community.

The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Jessica Parker,  CEO at Startup inc.
Run a SMM Campaign

PR & Influencer Marketing

Virality is a powerful concept when it comes to running a business.  A monumental article in a well known publication or some content from an influencer your customers love can quickly make your business go viral.  Our team has years of experience with writers in your industry eco-system and the ability to connect you with some of the most persuasive influencers in the world!

The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Jessica Parker,  CEO at Startup inc.
Get Started Now


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

What makes Us Different

Data Focused
Numbers speak to us, not personal opinions. We place a large emphasis on letting data guide all business decisions.  Everything we do is tested and meticulously analyzed to ensure we are getting the best results possible.
We grow alongside with your business. As your marketing needs scale, we will devote you more resources based on your needs. We come with a 360 marketing team that has experiences in all sort of industries.
Having a large team with different skills and advanced tools allows us to offer multiple complementary services like Media buying, Social Media management, and web design.  When it comes to marketing, we’re confident that someone on our team has done this before!
Startups / Tech in the Silicon Valley and all that BS


Kevin Bowman 
CEO at Startup inc.
The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Kevin Bowman 
CEO at Startup inc.
The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Kevin Bowman 
CEO at Startup inc.
The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Kevin Bowman 
CEO at Startup inc.
The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Kevin Bowman 
CEO at Startup inc.
The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Kevin Bowman 
CEO at Startup inc.
The CrowdTap Team leades you from A to B, they helped me to rise some serious funds for my Start Up. Highly recommended.
Equity Crowdfunding may be new, but the concept is anything but. Now people can invest as little as $100 in your startup and support your mission.
Raise on your own terms
Build your community of brand ambassadors
New customers
Keep control of the company
Brand Awareness - Media
Institutions will take you more seriously


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

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